Per una teglia rettangolare da 23 x 30
- 260g farina 00
- 280g latte di soia
- 40g di amido di mais
- 100g zucchero di canna
- 100g yogurt di soia
- 40g di cacao
- 12g di lievito in polvere
Per la glassa al cioccolato:
- 120g di zucchero a velo
- 15g di cacao
- 4/5 cucchiai di acqua calda
- un cucchiaio di olio di semi di girasole.
Granella di nocciola, noci tritate o mandorle possono essere aggiunte all’interno del dolce
In un altro contenitore i liquidi e mischiate.
A questo punto unite entrambi gli ingredienti e formate un composto omogeneo.
Infornate a forno preriscaldato a 170 per circa 30 minuti (controllate sempre la cottura ogni forno cuoce diversamente).
Una volta cotta lasciate raffreddare bene e procedete a glassare la vostra torta.
For a 23 x 30 rectangular tray
For the chocolate glaze:
Chopped hazelnuts, chopped walnuts or almonds can be added inside the cake.
Put the dry ingredients together in a container.
In another container put the liquids together and mix.
At this point mix both of the ingredients together and form a homogeneous compound.
Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for about 30 minutes (always check the cooking, each oven cooks differently).
Once cooked, let it cool and proceed to glaze your cake.

- 260g plain flour
- 280g soy milk
- 40g of corn starch
- 100g brown sugar
- 100g soya yogurt
- 40g cocoa
- 12g of baking powder
For the chocolate glaze:
- 120g of icing sugar
- 15g of cocoa
- 4/5 spoons of hot water
- a spoonful of sunflower oil.
Chopped hazelnuts, chopped walnuts or almonds can be added inside the cake.
Put the dry ingredients together in a container.
In another container put the liquids together and mix.
At this point mix both of the ingredients together and form a homogeneous compound.
Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for about 30 minutes (always check the cooking, each oven cooks differently).
Once cooked, let it cool and proceed to glaze your cake.