Potete comunque farlo anche in casa non è assolutamente difficile.
Si tratta di un burro concentrato, è quindi un burro privato degli elementi solidi del latte.
Clarified butter is very suitable for sautéing as it does not burn as quickly as normal, it is easily sold and does not have too high a cost.
However, you can also do it at home, it is not absolutely difficult.
It is a concentrated butter, therefore it is a butter deprived of the solid elements of the milk.

However, you can also do it at home, it is not absolutely difficult.
It is a concentrated butter, therefore it is a butter deprived of the solid elements of the milk.
Sciogliete il burro a fuoco molto basso senza mischiare.
Toglietelo dal fuoco e schiumate la massa biancastra della superficie.
Versate il burro in una bowl, facendo attenzione a lasciare i sedimenti lattiginosi nel tegame.
Molto importante e sapere che il burro chiarificato non solo durerà più a lungo di quello normale, ma ha anche un alto punto di fumo e può essere cotto a temperature più alte senza correre il rischio di bruciarlo.
Per questo è ideale per cucinare i cibi saltati in padella e fritti.
Nella preparazione delle salse è direi quasi fondamentale per dare loro lucentezza e sapore raffinato.
Melt the butter on a very low heat without mixing.
Remove it from the heat and froth the whitish mass of the surface.
Pour the butter into a small bowl, being careful to leave the milky sediments in the pan.
Very important and to know that clarified butter will not only last longer than normal, but also has a high smoke point and can be cooked at higher temperatures without running the risk of burning it.
This is why it is ideal for cooking stir-fried and fried foods.
In the preparation of the sauces it is almost essential to give them shine and refined flavor.

Melt the butter on a very low heat without mixing.
Remove it from the heat and froth the whitish mass of the surface.
Pour the butter into a small bowl, being careful to leave the milky sediments in the pan.
Very important and to know that clarified butter will not only last longer than normal, but also has a high smoke point and can be cooked at higher temperatures without running the risk of burning it.
This is why it is ideal for cooking stir-fried and fried foods.
In the preparation of the sauces it is almost essential to give them shine and refined flavor.