Sciogliendo, raffreddando e scaldando nuovamente il cioccolato, il burro di cacao si cristallizza e si ottiene un cioccolato lucido, privo di striature e che, una volta rappreso, diventa durissimo.
This technique is used for chocolate that has a high cocoa butter content.
By melting, cooling and re-heating the chocolate, the cocoa butter crystallizes and a shiny, streak-free chocolate is obtained which, once cured, becomes very hard.

By melting, cooling and re-heating the chocolate, the cocoa butter crystallizes and a shiny, streak-free chocolate is obtained which, once cured, becomes very hard.
Sciogliere il cioccolato in una ciotola sopra un pentola con acqua calda (non deve bollire). Mescolare finché on è liscio fino a 45°C
Sistemare la ciotola sopra un'altra di cubetti di ghiaccio, mescolate finché non si è raffreddato e raggiunge la temperatura di 25°C.
Scaldare un'altra volta il cioccolato, con lo stesso procedimento precedentemente descritto, fino raggiungere la temperatura di 32°C.
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan with hot water (it must not boil). Stir until on is smooth up to 45°C.
Place the bowl on top of another of ice cubes, stir until it has cooled down to 25°C.
Heat the chocolate again, using the same procedure previously described, until it reaches a temperature of 32°C.

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan with hot water (it must not boil). Stir until on is smooth up to 45°C.
Place the bowl on top of another of ice cubes, stir until it has cooled down to 25°C.
Heat the chocolate again, using the same procedure previously described, until it reaches a temperature of 32°C.