Per semplici torte burrose, le ciambelle e le pagnotte di frutta, è sufficiente ungere e infarinare la tortiera per evitare che il composto si attacchi durante la cottura e per far uscire facilmente la torta cotta.
A perfect cake doesn't just require a good recipe and skillfully combined ingredients. It is essential to use the appropriate cake tins and know what to do as soon as a cake has finished baking.
For simple buttery cakes, donuts and fruit loaves, simply grease and flour the cake pan to prevent the mixture from sticking during cooking and to easily bring out the baked cake.

For simple buttery cakes, donuts and fruit loaves, simply grease and flour the cake pan to prevent the mixture from sticking during cooking and to easily bring out the baked cake.
Uova: usate sempre uova fresche e di media grandezza toglietele dal frigo un'ora prima di utilizzarle le uova a temperatura ambiente incorporano più aria e rendono i dolci più soffici.
Grasso: usate sempre burro senza sale, se non diversamente indicato nella ricetta.
Farina: molte ricette specificano farina bianca e in aggiunta un agente lievitante come il lievito chimico o il bicarbonato di sodio. La farina auto-lievitante contiene un suo proprio agente lievitante e deve essere usata solo quando lo richiede la ricetta.
Zucchero: usate zuccheri fini come lo zucchero semolato o di canna cristallino, che si amalgamo facilmente.
Controllare la cottura:
La torta deve essere dorata e gonfia e leggermente staccata dalle pareti della tortiera. Si possono fare due tipi di prove a seconda del tipo di torta che state cuocendo.
Ricordate che nelle torte a lievitazione non va mai aperto il forno prima di 30 minuti, altrimenti si sgonfiano.
Pan di spagna: premete il dolce al centro con la punta delle dita, deve essere elastico e tornare su.
Torta di frutta: inserire uno stecchino al centro della torta deve uscire pulito, asciutto.

Eggs: always use fresh and medium-sized eggs, take them out of the fridge an hour before using them, eggs at room temperature incorporate more air and make the sweets softer.
Fat: always use butter without salt, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.
Flour: many recipes specify white flour and in addition a leavening agent such as chemical yeast or baking soda. Self-leavening flour contains its own leavening agent and should only be used when the recipe requires it.
Sugar: use fine sugars such as granulated or cane sugar, which blend easily.
Check the cooking:
The cake must be golden and swollen and slightly detached from the sides of the cake pan. Two types of tests can be made depending on the type of cake you are baking.
Remember that in oven proofing cakes the oven must never be opened for 30 minutes, otherwise they will deflate.
Sponge cake: press the cake in the center with your fingertips, it must be elastic and go back up.
Fruit cake: inserting a toothpick in the center of the cake must come out clean, dry.

Eggs: always use fresh and medium-sized eggs, take them out of the fridge an hour before using them, eggs at room temperature incorporate more air and make the sweets softer.
Fat: always use butter without salt, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.
Flour: many recipes specify white flour and in addition a leavening agent such as chemical yeast or baking soda. Self-leavening flour contains its own leavening agent and should only be used when the recipe requires it.
Sugar: use fine sugars such as granulated or cane sugar, which blend easily.
Check the cooking:
The cake must be golden and swollen and slightly detached from the sides of the cake pan. Two types of tests can be made depending on the type of cake you are baking.
Remember that in oven proofing cakes the oven must never be opened for 30 minutes, otherwise they will deflate.
Sponge cake: press the cake in the center with your fingertips, it must be elastic and go back up.
Fruit cake: inserting a toothpick in the center of the cake must come out clean, dry.