- 500g di farina di manitoba
- 2 uova
- 100g di burro a temperatura ambiente
- 100g di zucchero
- 25g di lievito di birra
- 180g di latte
- zeste di limone
- un pizzico di sale
Per la sfogliatura:
- 200g di burro
- 50g di farina 00
Crema pasticcera:
- 260g di latte intero
- 80g di Amaretto
- 80g di tuorli d'uovo (circa 4 uova)
- 60g di zucchero semolato
- 20g amido di mais
- 10g di farina di riso
- una stecca di vaniglia
- amaretti qb
Preparate la crema pasticcera:
Versate il latte e l'amaretto in una pentola di media grandezza, mescolate.
Incidete la stecca di vaniglia longitudinalmente, estraete la polpa e mischiatela ai tuorli leggermente sbattuti.
Ponete il bacello nel latte, mescolate e lasciate a scaldare.
Versate lo zucchero nella ciotola con i tuorli e cominciate a lavorare il composto con una frusta.
Quando lo zucchero si sarà sciolto perettamente unite l'amido e la farina setacciata e amalgamateli.
Prima che il latte incominci a bollire prelevatene qualche cucchiaiata e stemperate il composto.
Quando il latte bolle, eliminate la stecca di vaniglia e aggiungete l'impasto di tuorli e farina. Mescolate continuamente finchè la crema si addensa per circa 2 minuti.
Ponete la crema in un contenitore, copritela con una pellicola a contatto e riponetela in frigo a raffreddare per circa 2 ore).
Preparate il pastello:
Sciogliete il lievito di birra nel latte.
Mettete in una planetaria munita di gancio per impasto, la farina assieme a tutti gli altri ingredienti tranne il latte che andrete ad aggiungere piano piano.
Cominciate a lavorare il tutto fino a rendere l'impasto elastico e ben incordato.
A questo punto mettetelo su di un piano da lavoro e dategli una forma a palla che lascerete 10 minuti a riposare coperto da un sacchetto alimentare.
Nel frattempo preparate il panetto:
Lavorate assieme alla farina il burro, formate un panetto che andrete ad appiattire tra due fogli di carta da forno, riponetelo in frigo per qualche minuto a rassodare.
Prendete ora il pastello e stendetelo dandogli una forma rettangolare e ponetevi al centro il panetto chiudete i lati e le estremità.
Cominciate delicatamente a picchettare con il mattarello e procedete a dare le pieghe a tre.
Lasciate poi riposare l'impasto in frigorifero per almeno 30 minuti coperto da pellicola (se invece l'ambiente non è caldo potete anche lasciarlo fuori dal frigo).
Questo procedimento verrà ripetuto per altre due volte.
Trascorso il tempo delle pieghe, ponete l'impasto a lievitare in un luogo tiepido fino al raddoppio.
Trascorso il tempo di lievitazione potete procedere a stendere l'impasto in un rettangolo.
Prendete la crema raffreddata e con una spatola andate a distribuire un velo sottile sopra l'impasto steso mettete gli amaretti sbriciolati.
Arrotolate facendo attenzione a non far fuoriuscire il ripieno e tagliate delle girelle con l'aiuto dell'apposita spatola.
Foderate una teglia con carta da forno riponete le girelle distanziate tra di loro e lasciatele lievitare fino al raddoppio.
A questo punto spennellate la superficie con uovo leggermente sbattuto ed infornate a forno preriscaldato statico 180°C fino a doratura.
Ricetta personale

- 500g of strong flour
- 2 eggs
- 100g of butter at room temperature
- 100g of sugar
- 7g of dry yeast
- 180g of milk
- lemon zest
- a pinch of salt
For peeling:
- 200g of butter
- 50g of plain flour
Cream patisserie:
- 260g of whole milk
- 80g of Amaretto
- 80g of egg yolks (about 4 eggs)
- 60g of granulated sugar
- 20g corn starch
- 10g of rice flour
- a vanilla pod
- amaretti as desired
Prepare the cream patisserie:
Pour the milk and amaretto into a medium-sized saucepan and stir.
Cut the vanilla stick lengthwise, extract the pulp and mix it with the slightly beaten egg yolks.
Place the pod in the milk, stir and leave to heat.
Pour the sugar into the bowl with the yolks and start working the mixture with a whisk.
When the sugar has dissolved perfectly add the starch and the sifted flour and mix them.
Before the milk starts to boil, take a few spoonfuls and dilute the mixture.
When the milk boils, remove the vanilla pod and add the egg yolks and flour mixture. Stir continuously until the cream becomes firm for about 2 minutes.
Place the cream in a container, cover it with a cling film and put it in the fridge to cool for about 2 hours.
Pour the milk and amaretto into a medium-sized saucepan and stir.
Cut the vanilla stick lengthwise, extract the pulp and mix it with the slightly beaten egg yolks.
Place the pod in the milk, stir and leave to heat.
Pour the sugar into the bowl with the yolks and start working the mixture with a whisk.
When the sugar has dissolved perfectly add the starch and the sifted flour and mix them.
Before the milk starts to boil, take a few spoonfuls and dilute the mixture.
When the milk boils, remove the vanilla pod and add the egg yolks and flour mixture. Stir continuously until the cream becomes firm for about 2 minutes.
Place the cream in a container, cover it with a cling film and put it in the fridge to cool for about 2 hours.
Prepare the dough 1 step:
Dissolve the dry yeast in the milk.
Put the flour together with all the other ingredients in a planetary mixer equipped with a dough hook, except for the milk that you will slowly add.
Start to work everything up to make the dough elastic and tightly strung.
At this point put it on a work surface and give it a ball shape that you will leave 10 minutes to rest covered by a food bag.
Dissolve the dry yeast in the milk.
Put the flour together with all the other ingredients in a planetary mixer equipped with a dough hook, except for the milk that you will slowly add.
Start to work everything up to make the dough elastic and tightly strung.
At this point put it on a work surface and give it a ball shape that you will leave 10 minutes to rest covered by a food bag.
Step 2:
Work the butter together with the flour, form a stick that you will flatten between two sheets of parchment paper, put it in the fridge for a few minutes to firm up.
Now take the crayon and roll it out giving it a rectangular shape and place the dough in the center, close the sides and the ends.
Gently begin to stake with a rolling pin and proceed to give the folds to three.
Then leave the dough to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes covered with plastic wrap (if the environment is not hot, you can also leave it out of the fridge).
This process will be repeated two more times.
After the time of the folds, place the dough to rise in a warm place until doubled.
After the rising time you can proceed to roll out the dough in a rectangle.
Take the cooled cream and with a spatula go to distribute a thin veil over the spread dough put the crumbled amaretti.
Roll up taking care not to spill the filling and cut the swivels with the help of the special spatula.
Line a baking tray with beking paper, place the swivels spaced apart and let them rise until doubled.
At this point brush the surface with lightly beaten egg and bake in a preheated static oven 180°C until golden brown.
Personal recipe
Work the butter together with the flour, form a stick that you will flatten between two sheets of parchment paper, put it in the fridge for a few minutes to firm up.
Now take the crayon and roll it out giving it a rectangular shape and place the dough in the center, close the sides and the ends.
Gently begin to stake with a rolling pin and proceed to give the folds to three.
Then leave the dough to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes covered with plastic wrap (if the environment is not hot, you can also leave it out of the fridge).
This process will be repeated two more times.
After the time of the folds, place the dough to rise in a warm place until doubled.
After the rising time you can proceed to roll out the dough in a rectangle.
Take the cooled cream and with a spatula go to distribute a thin veil over the spread dough put the crumbled amaretti.
Roll up taking care not to spill the filling and cut the swivels with the help of the special spatula.
Line a baking tray with beking paper, place the swivels spaced apart and let them rise until doubled.
At this point brush the surface with lightly beaten egg and bake in a preheated static oven 180°C until golden brown.
Personal recipe