un tuorlo pesa circa 20g
un albume pesa circa 30g
Per potervi regolare sul peso e l'eventuale numero di uova da usare nel caso in cui non vengano specificate il numero di uova da usare ma il loro peso.
a whole egg weighs about 55-60g
an yolk weighs about 20g
an egg white weighs about 30g
To be able to adjust on the weight and the possible number of eggs to be used in the case in which the number of eggs to be used is not specified but their weight.

an yolk weighs about 20g
an egg white weighs about 30g
To be able to adjust on the weight and the possible number of eggs to be used in the case in which the number of eggs to be used is not specified but their weight.
- da allevamento all'aperto
- da allevamento a terra
- da allevamento in gabbia
- da agricoltura biologica
In base al peso:
- -S piccole, meno di 53g
- -M medie, da 53 a 63g
- -L grandi, da 63 a 73g
- -XL grandissime, 73g e oltre
In base alla freschezza:
- -A uova fresche (rientrano anche le extra)
- -B uova di qualità corrente
- -C uova declassate (in genere usate nelle industrie)
Informazioni prese dal libro di Montersino.
Eggs are divided into several categories:
By weight:
Based on freshness:
Information taken from the book of Montersino.

- from outdoor breeding
- farmed on the ground
- from caged breeding
- from organic farming
By weight:
- -S small, less than 53g
- -M medium, from 53 to 63g
- -L large, from 63 to 73g
- -XL huge, 73g and beyond
Based on freshness:
- -A fresh eggs (extras are also included)
- -B eggs of current quality
- -C substandard eggs (generally used in industries)
Information taken from the book of Montersino.